Emily Hopwood re-appointed to TICT Board

Representing WITH Tas in the Associations College

We are delighted to announce that Emily Hopwood has been reappointed to the TICT Board of Directors for a second term, representing WITH Tas in the Associations College.

Emily's reappointment is confirmation of the important role WITH Tas plays in representing women across the tourism and hospitality sectors in Tasmania.

Thank you to all TICT members who voted for Emily, recognising her experience, expertise and passion for diversity across our industry.

Congratulations Emily and thank you for your support of WITH Tas - we look forward to working with you again over your next two year term.

“The last two year term on the board has been incredibly exciting from both a personal and professional perspective. Bringing my regional operator knowledge and the WITH lens to our work, especially the new T21 Strategy, has been incredibly valuable.”

“The confidence I’ve taken from the support of WITH and their belief in my ability to not just sit at, but be a strong and considered voice, at the TICT table has been incredible. The women of WITH truly have provided a bedrock of support and I hope to fly the flag for another term at the table.”

Emily Hopwood

Emily Hopwood - candidate's statement

After a two-year term on the TICT board representing Women and Tourism and Hospitality Tasmania, I am seeking re-election in 2023. During this time, I have utilised my knowledge of regional tourism and brought a diverse and unique perspective to the board table.

As part of my current role as Sales and Marketing Manager, West Coast Wilderness Railway, I work closely with the local business association, Destination West Coast and the marketing sub-committee. This role affords the opportunity to work closely with local operators and understand many of the challenges of regional tourism while working towards a cohesive regional approach to destination marketing.

As the nominee for Women in Tourism and Hospitality (WITH), I am keen to continue representing minorities across our industry. I am a strong advocate for equality and inclusiveness across our industry and believe that access to resources and training equally across our state is necessary to achieve our long-term goals.

I am a born and bred Taswegian with interstate experience working across various hotel groups. Returning in 2011 with a small family in tow, I maintained regional hotel revenue and distribution roles before stepping into a leadership role with RACT Destinations. During my tenure with RACT as General Manager of Tourism Operations, I had the opportunity to complete the Australian Institute of Company Director’s (AICD) course and have since worked closely with a small number of volunteer committees and boards.